“Just Say No” was a slogan. This is a revolution.
The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation is pleased to support Generation Found, a powerful story about one community coming together to ignite a youth addiction recovery revolution in their hometown of Houston, TX. Devastated by an epidemic of addiction, Houston faced the reality of burying and locking up its young people at an alarming rate. Instead, a coalition of visionary counselors, law school dropouts, aspiring rock musicians, retired football players, oil industry executives, and church leaders came together to build the world’s largest peer-driven youth and family recovery community in America.
Generation Found will be screened by over 150 communities across the country. To reserve your tickets to a screening near you, learn more here. To host your own screening if there is not one already taking place in your city, you can also learn more here.
We also encourage you all to join the photo campaign for the Youth Recovery Revolution. Tell us why you support this effort by printing out your own sign and contributing to the conversation! Make sure to use the hashtags: #GenerationFoundFilm and #YouthRecoveryRevolution when posting on social media.
To learn more about the Foundation’s Substance Use Prevention Strategic Initiative, please visit our webpage.