Questions About the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

What is the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation?

The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation is a family foundation established in 1944 by the man who started Hilton Hotels. We provide funds to nonprofit organizations working to improve the lives of individuals living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage throughout the world. 

In what areas does the Foundation work?

The majority of our funding is devoted to our seven program initiatives. Our work is focused on efforts to ensure healthy early childhood development and sustainable livelihoods for youth and families, support young people with experience in the foster care system, improve access to housing and support services for people experiencing homelessness, identify solutions to safe water access, and lift the work of Catholic sisters. 

When was the Foundation established?

International hotelier Conrad N. Hilton established the grantmaking foundation that bears his name in 1944. 

How large are the Foundation’s assets?

The Foundation is one of the world’s largest, with approximately $7 billion in assets.

How much has the Foundation awarded since inception?

We have awarded grants to date totaling more than $3.2 billion. 

What is the annual grantmaking?

You can look back over several years’ worth of our grantmaking starting with our most recently completed year here, and you can see our current year-to-date awarding of grants on our Grants page. Additionally, the Foundation annually awards the $2.5 million Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize to an organization doing extraordinary work to alleviate human suffering.

How is the Foundation governed?

The Hilton Foundation is governed by a board of directors, the majority of whom are direct descendants of our founder. See the full list of active board members here

Who are the family members serving on the board?

Hilton family members currently serving on the board include Board Chair Linda Hilton, Conrad N. Hilton III, Michael O. Hilton, Beverly Hilton-Neapolitan, Caitlin Hilton and Justin McAuliffe.  

A number of other family members participate in Generations in Giving, a program that cultivates the philanthropic spirit among successive generations of Hilton family members. The Foundation prepares family members for board service through our board internship program.  

Is the Foundation part of Hilton Worldwide?

No, the Hilton Foundation is separate from Hilton Worldwide. While both entities were founded by Conrad N. Hilton, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation was established as an independent family foundation in 1944.  

Is the Foundation the same entity as the Hilton Effect Foundation?

No. Hilton Worldwide has their own corporate social responsibility programs that are unrelated to the work of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.  

Where are the Foundation offices located?

Our headquarters are in Westlake Village, California.

Questions About Our Grantmaking

How does my organization apply for a grant?

The Hilton Foundation is a strategic grantmaking organization. We initiate and develop long-term projects and partnerships to help us deliver maximum impact. We do not accept unsolicited proposals, with the exception of our Good Neighbor Program, which accepts proposals for local, small-scale grants to nonproft organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) status doing important work in our local Conejo Valley community. Decisions on these grants will be guided by the same philosophy that guides our program grants—addressing the needs of individuals living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage. The primary geographic focus of these grants is within the  Conejo Valley, extending northwest to Camarillo, Oxnard, and Ventura. The communities comprising the Conejo Valley are Agoura Hills, Newbury Park, Oak Park, Thousand Oaks, and Westlake Village. 

Do you make grants to individuals?

We do not make grants to individuals.

What are the Foundation’s funding priorities?

The majority of our funding is devoted to our program areas. Our work is focused on efforts toensure healthy early childhood development and sustainable livelihoods for youth and families, , support young people transitioning out of foster care, improve access to housing and support services for people experiencing homelessness, identify solutions to safe water access, and lift the work of Catholic sisters. 

Which congregations of Catholic sisters does the Foundation support?

We may choose to work with any congregation to advance the work of Catholic sisters globally. 

What is the difference between the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s Catholic Sisters Initiative and the Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters?

The Catholic Sisters initiative Seeks to bolster sisters’ formation and education while strengthening their partnerships with the Church, key networks and other entities. The initiative supports the sisters’ efforts to foster human development and support children, youth and families living in disadvantaged conditions on their pathways to self-sufficiency. 

Established in 1986 with funding from the Foundation, the Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters is a separate entity with its own staff, governance structure and funding guidelines. The Fund for Sisters provides small grants (typically $10,000) to women religious throughout the world to support their direct-service ministries and to build the capacity of leadership conferences of women religious in the developing world. 

Among religious bodies, does the Foundation support only Catholic institutions?

While the Foundation supports many Catholic organizations and institutions, our giving is not restricted to specific denominations or faith groups. 

How have the Foundation’s funding priorities changed over recent years?

Rooted in the life interests and last will of our founder, the Foundation pursues approaches that touch a diversity of people, places and needs. Our current program strategies will guide our work through 2025. The board of directors reviews and updates the Foundation’s program areas periodically. We invest in seven program areas, each involves partnering with grantees, generating new knowledge, giving voice to issues and joining with other to achieve measurable impact. 

What is the relationship between the Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize and Foundation initiatives?

All of our grantee partner organizations are working to improve the human condition around the globe, however the Hilton Humanitarian Prize is administered separately from the rest of our program activities. Prize nominees are submitted through open nominations and are not required to be connected to or aligned with our program areas. Following a rigorous vetting process, an independent international jury makes the final selection of the Prize recipient. There have been some instances where recipients of the Prize are also grantee partners working alongside our program initiatives.  Learn more about Prize nominations, or find information for grantseekers