• BRAC USA, Inc.
    $5,600,000 through March, 2025

    To support the scaling up of integrated two-generational programming for refugee and host communities in Uganda.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: March, 2022
  • Center for Effective Global Action
    $30,000 through July, 2022

    to support the publishing of results of two evidence maps of the impact and cost evidence on ECD and livelihoods interventions, developed with previous Foundation support.

    Refugees Global Awarded: February, 2022
  • Brown University
    $100,000 through March, 2023

    to support research, analysis, and the development of a policy brief that will inform policies and programs aimed at integrating Venezuelan refugees and migrants into the Colombian labor market and promoting migrant entrepreneurship.

    Refugees South America Awarded: February, 2022
  • International Rescue Committee Inc.
    $250,000 through September, 2022

    for a planning grant to conceptualize and design a scalable two-generation model which improves economic opportunities and early childhood development outcomes for refugee and host families in Uganda.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: February, 2022
  • Fundación Juntos se Puede
    $335,000 through February, 2023

    to support 1,000 Venezuelan mothers to access health services and social networks and develop employment skills in Bogota, Colombia.

    Refugees South America Awarded: December, 2021
  • Fundación Refugiados Unidos
    $950,000 through June, 2023

    to support underserved displaced Venezuelans in Bogota to obtain legal status, gain access to livelihood opportunities, and integrate into communities.

    Refugees South America Awarded: November, 2021
  • Share Trust Inc.
    $1,000,000 through March, 2024

    to support the next phase of the Urban Local Coalition Accelerator in Uganda.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: November, 2021
  • Care and Assistance for Forced Migrants (CAFOMI)
    $250,000 through December, 2023

    To support improved access to early childhood development, youth livelihood opportunities, and safe water (in response to COVID-19) in emergency-prone refugee reception border districts in Western Uganda and Kampala City

    Refugees Africa Awarded: November, 2021
  • Myriad USA, Inc.
    $20,000 through April, 2022

    To support the Amahoro Coalition in co-convening the inaugural 36 Million Solutions: The Africa Private Sector Forum on Forced Displacement.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: November, 2021
  • International Rescue Committee Inc.
    $35,000 through December, 2022

    To join the Moving Minds Alliance, an alliance of donors and practitioners working together to increase financing, leadership, and evidence to support young children and caregivers affected by crisis and displacement.

    Refugees Global Awarded: November, 2021