• Catholic Relief Services
    $1,000,000 through June, 2024

    To support the Safe Water Initiative's responsible transition from Burkina Faso by building upon prior WASH governance and infrastructure initiatives in 17 health care facilities and 30 schools.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2022
  • Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority
    $100,000 through November, 2022

    to support the communication strategies related to the point-in-time count through a narrative explaining rehousing system improvements underway and through lifting up stories of people with lived experience, frontline workers, and provider partners

    Homelessness USA Awarded: May, 2022
  • Community Science
    $24,000 through October, 2022

    To provide additional support for evaluation of COVID-19 grantmaking.

    Global Awarded: May, 2022
  • Impact and Innovations Development Centre Limited
    $320,000 through July, 2023

    To establish and convene a learning collaborative of local leaders in East and Southern Africa working on male engagement to improve early childhood development outcomes.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2022
  • Brilliant Corners
    $4,000,000 through August, 2025

    to advance strategic planning and leverage public investment within Los Angeles County's Housing for Health and the Office of Diversion and Reentry to support people experiencing and at-risk of homelessness

    Homelessness USA Awarded: May, 2022
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $4,275,000 through May, 2025

    To equip local faith-based leaders and organizations to deliver quality ECD services and strengthen inter-faith networks in Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania, with a targeted impact for 19,800 caregivers.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2022
  • Stanford University Graduate School of Education
    $3,970,000 through May, 2025

    To elevate parent voices for regional (Los Angeles County) and statewide decision-making through launching a monthly statewide parent need survey for families with young children.

    Global Early Childhood Development USA Awarded: May, 2022
  • United Way Inc.
    $11,900,000 through June, 2025

    to support direct investments in physical infrastructure and service delivery in faith and community-based organizations and targeted daytime/shelter service locations, and oversee implementation and evaluation

    Homelessness USA Awarded: May, 2022
  • Jobs for the Future Inc.
    $2,570,000 through June, 2025

    to support the High Roads Training Fund, a public-private partnership that supports the creation of High Roads Training Partnerships as a strategy to tie worker training to job quality

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: May, 2022
  • National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company
    $3,300,000 through August, 2025

    to support and expand the Global Sisters Report, an online publishing and exchange platform dedicated to sharing stories for and about Catholic sisters and their mission, across congregations, countries, and the global sisterhood.

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: May, 2022