• Opportunities Industrialization Centers Ethiopia (OIC-E)
    $250,000 through April, 2024

    To foster market-based employment opportunities for 1400 refugee and host community women and youth in Addis Ababa.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: May, 2022
  • Kingmakers of Oakland
    $22,000 through November, 2022

    to support narrative change work to reframe conversations about how Black youth are viewed

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: April, 2022
  • Myriad USA, Inc.
    $10,000 through April, 2023

    To support ALIMA’s vaccine equity work in Africa.

    Africa Awarded: April, 2022
  • Good Shepherd Catholic School
    $100,000 through August, 2023

    to support collaborative service projects between Good Shepherd Catholic School and their sister school, St. Thomas Catholic School; and to support a safe and healthy learning environment for Good Shepherd students.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: April, 2022
  • Southern California Grantmakers
    $250,000 through March, 2024

    to seed a Los Angeles workforce development funders group

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: April, 2022
  • Bme Networks
    $55,000 through October, 2022

    to engage opportunity youth providers in an interactive session around the creation of asset-based narratives and frameworks

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: April, 2022
  • Mixteco Indigena Community Organizing Project
    $15,000 through July, 2022

    To support Voz de la Mujer Indígena.

    USA Awarded: April, 2022
  • Foodshare, Inc.
    $15,000 through April, 2023

    For general operating support.

    USA Awarded: April, 2022
  • Interface Children Family Services
    $15,000 through April, 2023

    For general operating support.

    USA Awarded: April, 2022
  • Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
    $10,000 through June, 2022

    To provide travel support to Philea Forum 2022 for Africa No Filter.

    Partnerships Global Awarded: April, 2022