• World Vision
    $4,750,000 through November, 2026

    To extend the Safe Water Enterprise model to more systems in Asutifi North, expand service delivery to Asunafo North, and co-design and pilot a drinking water sustainability fund for the rural water sector.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2023
  • Uptime Catalyst Facility
    $5,000,000 through December, 2026

    To scale-up performance-based contracting for safe water service delivery and influence regional and global financing of rural water services.

    Safe Water Global Awarded: November, 2023
  • WSUP Advisory CIC
    $4,000,000 through March, 2028

    To continue supporting the Mid-Western Umbrella to deliver sustainable safe water services to underserved rural populations and advocate for a national enabling environment for sustainable and equitable safe water.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2023
  • Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya Registered Trustees
    $1,600,000 through November, 2026

    to expand the Sister-led Youth Empowerment Initiative in Kenya and build the capacity of disadvantaged and vulnerable youth aged 15-25 to become self-sufficient

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2023
  • Kiddie Hawk Air Academy
    $500,000 through January, 2029

    to bolster programming to recognize aspirational aviation achievements among youth, and fostering inspiration among their peers

    USA Awarded: November, 2023
  • Aquaya Institute
    $1,500,000 through October, 2026

    to scale Village Savings and Loans Associations as funding mechanisms for the water sector in the Mid-Western Region, Uganda

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2023
  • Strategic Connections Limited
    $300,000 through November, 2025

    to provide technical Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning support to Catholic Sister Initiative grantees working across Africa

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2023
  • Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
    $710,000 through November, 2026

    to continue the visiting scholars program, dissemination of research, entrance longitudinal studies, and establish a global research network

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: November, 2023
  • Philanthropy Europe Association
    $15,000 through December, 2025

    to support the Funders Forum on International Cooperation

    Global Awarded: November, 2023
  • National Skills Coalition
    $1,015,000 through November, 2025

    to support federal policy analysis, coalition building with opportunity youth organizations, and stronger inclusion of worker, student, and opportunity youth voices across the organization

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: November, 2023