• Center for the Study of Social Policy
    $2,700,000 through March, 2024

    to support the Alliance for Racial Equity in Child Welfare in a youth leadership approach to child welfare reform and systems change.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: March, 2021
  • Childrens Defense Fund
    $2,500 through May, 2021

    to sponsor Children’s Defense Fund-California's policy and advocacy virtual symposium "Child Watch 2021: The State of California’s Children and Youth in the COVID Era."

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: February, 2021
  • The New York Foundling
    $1,000,000 through November, 2021

    To support the Fair Futures mentoring model during COVID crisis.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • Children's Village Inc.
    $1,000,000 through November, 2022

    To support the Families Supporting Teens (FaST) and Student Success Programs to increase foster youth stability and academic success, and advocacy for foster care issues including Fair Futures, caregiver supports, and affordable housing.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • National Center for Youth Law
    $1,000,000 through November, 2022

    To support Compassionate Systems and Collaborative Responses to Commercial Sexual Exploitation Initiative to transform county-wide systems and improve experiences and outcomes of youth in foster care and experiencing Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE).

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • United Friends of the Children
    $1,000,000 through December, 2022

    To support the College Readiness Program in Los Angeles County.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • Youth Policy Institute of Iowa
    $50,000 through August, 2021

    to support the Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG) Foster Care workgroup.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: September, 2020
  • Foster Care Counts
    $25,000 through November, 2020

    to provide meals to displaced college students who are in foster care through Meal Nation.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: September, 2020
  • Children's Village Inc.
    $50,000 through November, 2020

    assistance for the immediate needs of foster youth and caregivers, including technology, housing supports, and food; additional resources for training and advocacy related to immediate needs of foster youth and caregivers, particularly those of color.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: September, 2020
  • John Burton Advocates for Youth
    $75,000 through August, 2021

    for the California College Pathways COVID-19 Safety Net Fund.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: September, 2020