• WaterAid America, Inc.
    $100,000 through March, 2018

    to create a water quality module for decision-making and action.

    Safe Water Global Awarded: February, 2017
  • Tides Center
    $50,000 through February, 2018

    to support the Children's Action Network in their pursuit to raise awareness and bring a more positive tone to the dialogue around children and youth in foster care.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: February, 2017
  • Johns Hopkins University
    $100,000 through August, 2018

    for the development and pilot testing of an Image Capture and Processing System (ICAPS) for trachoma by the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

    Avoidable Blindness Global Awarded: February, 2017
  • United Way Inc.
    $200,000 through January, 2018

    to coordinate support for public education around ending homelessness with fellow philanthropic partners through the Home For Good Funders Collaborative.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: January, 2017
  • Institute for Global Engagement
    $160,000 through February, 2019

    to provide support for four sisters in a cohort of eight women of faith to assume greater leadership roles and influence decision making in global affairs, with an emphasis in areas where women are most affected yet have the least influence.

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: January, 2017
  • Juvenile Law Center
    $200,000 through January, 2019

    to support implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act in New York City.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: January, 2017
  • Aga Khan Foundation USA
    $1,500,000 through December, 2019

    to build capacity of the early childhood development workforce in high HIV prevalence communities East and Southern Africa.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2016
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $400,000 through July, 2017

    for planning a phase two program to strengthen the ability of Catholic Sisters to meet the developmental needs of children affected by HIV and AIDS.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2016
  • National Center for Youth Law
    $1,600,000 through December, 2018

    to support the development of a collective impact campaign that will increase access to reproductive and sexual health care, and information to significantly reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies among foster youth in Los Angeles County.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2016
  • School-Based Health Alliance
    $1,000,000 through March, 2019

    to support a second phase of work to implement youth SBIRT in school-based health clinics.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: November, 2016