• Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Inc.
    $2,700,000 through August, 2025

    to develop the financial sustainability of the Leadership Collaborative and bolster its formation programs that prepare 425 sisters and associates to be skilled leaders able to navigate the evolving context of modern religious life.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2022
  • Archdiocese of Los Angeles
    $250,000 through July, 2024

    to support an inclusive synodal process that builds the capacity of 26 low-income parishes, and engages Catholic sisters in outreach to under-represented groups so that the post-synod plan for the Archdiocese reflects diverse perspectives and needs.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2022
  • Archdiocese of Los Angeles
    $825,000 through July, 2025

    to assist over 2,000 inmates and parolees in developing foundational skills that support reintegration into society, employment and self-sufficiency through the Partnership for Re-entry Program (PREP).

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2022
  • All Africa Conference-Sister to Sister, Inc.
    $600,000 through July, 2025

    to build and empower a network of sister counselors and establish a counseling hub, providing counseling services to women and men religious, and women, children and families living in conditions of disadvantage in Uganda.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: August, 2022
  • Partners for Children South LA
    $750,000 through July, 2025

    to connect underserved families with social services through a network of seven Catholic schools in South Los Angeles.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2022
  • Catholic Schools Collaborative
    $900,000 through July, 2025

    to support a network of 20 low-income Catholic schools with leadership training, social emotional programming, literacy curriculum and parent engagement workshops.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2022
  • Network Education Program
    $705,000 through January, 2024

    for a planning grant to assess the program and advocacy priorities of Catholic sisters and initiative grantees in key geographies and build the capacity of sisters in advocacy as a political ministry to promote social justice.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2022
  • Nigeria Conference of Women Religious
    $500,000 through July, 2024

    to support tertianship, sabbatical and formation directors’ programs and strengthen ongoing formation in Nigeria.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: August, 2022
  • Generalate Community of the Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles
    $250,000 through July, 2023

    to identify and raise awareness of the needs of aging sisters and continue to strengthen their spiritual lives and enable them to live wholesome lives.

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: August, 2022
  • Dicastery for Communication
    $500,000 through September, 2024

    to support reporting and documenting Catholic Sisters' stories and ministries through the Vatican’s Dicastery of Communication Networks.

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: July, 2022