$1,000,000 through October, 2016

    to develop a Smart Chlorine Generator for making safe water available in Emergency Response and Relief Settings. Project partners include World Vision and Cascade Designs, Inc.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Global Awarded: November, 2014
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $250,000 through October, 2015

    to support efforts to assist people in the Cabo San Lucas area of Mexico who were affected by Hurricane Odile.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery North America Awarded: October, 2014
  • HelpAge USA Inc.
    $500,000 through March, 2016

    to support recovery efforts for senior populations affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: March, 2014
  • Center for Disaster Philanthropy
    $250,000 through March, 2015

    to provide general operating support and to launch a Community of Practice peer-to-peer network of disaster response donors in order to promote best practices in disaster-related philanthropy.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Global Awarded: March, 2014
  • Conrad N Hilton Fund for Sisters
    $200,000 through December, 2014

    to support the Fund for Sisters provision of support to organizations of Catholic sisters in the Philippines who are addressing the immediate and short-term recovery needs of populations affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: December, 2013
  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
    $400,000 through May, 2016

    to support scaling up the utilization of Harvard Humanitarian Initiative's KoBo Toolbox application suite for improving the coordination and evaluation of disaster response efforts.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Africa Awarded: November, 2013
  • Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen
    $500,000 through August, 2014

    to support Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen's provision of assistance for refugees of the Syria Crisis who are now located in Turkey.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: August, 2013
  • Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
    $500,000 through December, 2016

    to support Hurricane Sandy affordable housing relief and recovery efforts: $100,000 for immediate relief and $400,000 towards long term recovery.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery USA Awarded: December, 2012
  • DARA, Inc.
    $180,000 through June, 2014

    to support a research project on donor response and beneficiary accountability in disasters using the 2010 Haiti earthquake as a case study.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery North America Awarded: December, 2012
  • Center for Disaster Philanthropy
    $250,000 through December, 2013

    for general operating support to help grow the capacity of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy to provide resources that promote more informed and responsible donor giving decisions.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Global Awarded: December, 2012