• Catholic Relief Services
    $70,000 through May, 2021

    program support for COVID-19 response in Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia. Specific work includes training and technical assistance to essential front line workers and community leaders to safely conduct sensitization on COVID-19 as well as critical material support for preparedness and response such as handwashing stations, PPE and disinfectant supplies.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: June, 2020
  • The African Early Childhood Network Registered Trustees
    $50,000 through May, 2021

    for program support for COVID-19 response.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2020
  • United States Fund for UNICEF
    $50,000 through October, 2020

    for advocacy and communication initiatives at the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020) focused on key issues relating to ECD and adolescent mothers.

    Global Early Childhood Development Global Awarded: May, 2020
  • Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
    $790,000 through September, 2021

    to strengthen field research to test the integration and scale up of ECD services through the health system while responding to COVID-19 in the Tabora Region of Tanzania.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2020
  • PATH
    $400,000 through February, 2021

    to provide program support for COVID-19 Response in Kenya and Mozambique. Specific work includes training and technical assistance to community health volunteers to integrate child development messaging with COVID-19 education, child friendly resources to promote prevention within communities, and resource support for critical PPE, gloves, and sanitization products.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2020
  • ChildFund International USA
    $10,000 through August, 2020

    for general operating support for Early Childhood Development Action Network's COVID-19 response.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2020
  • Mothers2Mothers International Inc.
    $10,000 through July, 2020

    to provide general operating support for COVID-19 response.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: April, 2020
  • American Academy of Pediatrics Inc.
    $10,000 through July, 2020

    to provide general operating support for the Kenya Pediatric Association and thePediatric Association of Tanzania response to COVID-19.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: April, 2020
  • ChildFund International USA
    $10,000 through July, 2020

    to provide general operating support for COVID-19 response.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: April, 2020
  • Episcopal Relief and Development
    $10,000 through July, 2020

    to provide general operating support for COVID-19 response.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: April, 2020