• Youth Policy Institute of Iowa
    $50,000 through May, 2022

    to support the Economic Well-Being Work Group.

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: April, 2021
  • Jibu, L3C
    $200,000 through April, 2022

    To pilot a subsidized model for bottled water for low-income customers in Kabarole district, Uganda.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: April, 2021
  • Envicom Corporation
    $50,000 through October, 2021

    To develop a web mapping application for the Asutifi North District, Ghana to inform its five-year development plan on water services.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: April, 2021
  • Mayor's Fund for Los Angeles
    $250,000 through April, 2022

    to support the Mobile Outreach for Vaccine Equity (MOVE) program in Los Angeles.

    COVID-19 Response USA Awarded: April, 2021
  • Los Robles Hospital Volunteers Inc.
    $10,000 through April, 2022

    For general operating support.

    USA Awarded: April, 2021
  • Greenlining Institute
    $20,000 through October, 2021

    To support the Greenlining Economic Summit.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery USA Awarded: April, 2021
  • Center for Effective Philanthropy, Inc.
    $100,000 through April, 2022

    for general operating support.

    USA Awarded: April, 2021
  • Colorado Nonprofit Development Center
    $50,000 through April, 2022

    to support Expanding the Bench, a project of Change Matrix, LLC.

    USA Awarded: April, 2021
  • International Rescue Committee Inc.
    $500,000 through April, 2022

    To work with a range of organizations in Colombia to design and test at least two projects that combine early childhood development and livelihoods interventions.

    Refugees South America Awarded: April, 2021
  • Innovations for Poverty Action
    $350,000 through December, 2022

    To generate evidence to improve the impact of temporary working and residence permits for migrants in Colombia.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2021