• American National Red Cross, Los Angeles Region
    $1,000,000 through December, 2014

    to support PrepareLA, a campaign to create more resilient communities that are better equipped to help each other prevent, prepare for, and respond to life-threatening emergencies and catastrophic disasters.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery USA Awarded: December, 2012
  • Mercy Corps
    $250,000 through June, 2013

    To enhance food security, economic resilience, and economic recovery for 1800 vulnerable households in the Tillaberi region of Niger. The activities will include cash-for-work, distribution of goats to female heads of households and cash crop production.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Africa Awarded: May, 2012
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $250,000 through May, 2013

    to mitigate immediate food insecurity and degradation of beneficiaries' land through cash for work activities benefitting 2081 of the most vulnerable rural households in Niger's Ouallam and Tillaberi areas.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Africa Awarded: May, 2012
  • American National Red Cross, Los Angeles Region
    $500,000 through June, 2012

    to help implement Phase Two of a Catastrophic Disaster Plan that builds the capacity of the region and facilitates earthquake or other major disaster response.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery USA Awarded: November, 2010
  • Oxfam-America, Inc.
    $250,000 through November, 2011

    to support WASH and agriculture livelihood activities in flood-affected Pakistan.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: November, 2010
  • Oxfam-America, Inc.
    $150,000 through October, 2011

    to support emergency WASH activities in flood-affected areas of Pakistan.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: October, 2010
  • Medical Emergency Relief International Usa Inc.
    $150,000 through October, 2011

    for emergency relief to support malaria treatment and prevention activities in flood-affected areas of Pakistan.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: October, 2010
  • Partners In Health
    $300,000 through September, 2012

    to support post-earthquake recovery efforts in Haiti for vulnerable children.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery North America Awarded: August, 2010
  • Global Fund for Children
    $275,000 through September, 2013

    to help facilitate post-earthquake recovery efforts in Haiti for vulnerable children, including orphans and children affected by AIDS.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery North America Awarded: August, 2010
  • BRAC USA, Inc.
    $100,000 through August, 2011

    to provide emergency disaster relief to flood victims in Pakistan with a focus on WASH activities.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: August, 2010