• Strategic Connections Limited
    $150,000 through November, 2023

    to provide technical MEL support to 5 - 10 Catholic Sister Initiative grantees working in East Africa.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: March, 2022
  • Marywood University
    $11,000,000 through March, 2026

    to implement Phase VI of the Sisters Leadership Development Initiative in ten countries in Africa and establish an investment fund for Sister’s education.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: March, 2022
  • Catholic Charities of Los Angeles
    $3,000,000 through March, 2025

    to collaborate with Catholic sisters in providing 325 youth experiencing disadvantage with career development and supportive services through Archdiocesan Youth Employment (AYE); and to measure the impact of these services.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: March, 2022
  • Federation of Vietnamese Women Religious in the US
    $450,000 through December, 2024

    to establish a national network of 27 congregations of Vietnamese sisters in the United States that provides opportunities for ongoing formation, ministry training and enhanced programming for youth and families.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: March, 2022
  • Resource Center for Religious Institutes, Inc.
    $95,000 through August, 2023

    to research, identify and disseminate the most effective strategies for sisters’ congregations to use to plan for the care and support of their elderly and infirm members.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: February, 2022
  • Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
    $100,000 through May, 2024

    planning grant to enable a group of archive experts to develop a National Archives Network for Catholic Sisters in the US.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: January, 2022
  • Formation Support for Vietnam
    $80,000 through December, 2022

    to conduct and produce research on the life and ministries of Catholic sisters in Vietnam.

    Catholic Sisters Asia Awarded: December, 2021
  • The Registered Trustees of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Kenya
    $550,000 through November, 2023

    to support the anti-human trafficking efforts of the Religious Against Human Trafficking (RAHT) and provide alternative rites of passage to female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kenya.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: December, 2021
  • Conference of Religious Women India
    $900,000 through November, 2025

    to support the Institute of Mater Dei to deliver theological, philosophical, and ongoing formation programs for Catholic sisters in India and strengthen the Institute's information management infrastructure.

    Catholic Sisters Asia Awarded: December, 2021
  • Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya Registered Trustees
    $1,500,000 through November, 2023

    to expand the Sister-led Youth Empowerment Initiative (SLYI) in Kenya and build the capacity of disadvantaged and vulnerable youth aged 15 - 25 to become self-sufficient.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: December, 2021