• Children's Village Inc.
    $1,000,000 through November, 2022

    To support the Families Supporting Teens (FaST) and Student Success Programs to increase foster youth stability and academic success, and advocacy for foster care issues including Fair Futures, caregiver supports, and affordable housing.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • National Center for Youth Law
    $1,000,000 through November, 2022

    To support Compassionate Systems and Collaborative Responses to Commercial Sexual Exploitation Initiative to transform county-wide systems and improve experiences and outcomes of youth in foster care and experiencing Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE).

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • United Friends of the Children
    $1,000,000 through December, 2022

    To support the College Readiness Program in Los Angeles County.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • Brilliant Corners
    $5,250,000 through December, 2024

    $3.5 million in capital funding for 912 new interim housing beds in partnership with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, $500,000 to increase permanent housing placements for individuals released from state prisons to L.A. County, and $1.25 million for capacity building to establish an Operations Division within Brilliant Corners’ Housing Services Department to enhance its growing role in implementing efforts to end homelessness in L.A. County.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • The African Early Childhood Network Registered Trustees
    $913,000 through March, 2023

    To support national and regional advocacy on the importance of nurturing care.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2020
  • The Schott Foundation For Public Education
    $100,000 through October, 2021

    to contribute to the Loving Communities Response Fund for Racial Justice in Los Angeles.

    Equity Fund USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • Social Justice Partners Los Angeles
    $400,000 through October, 2021

    for general operating support.

    Equity Fund USA Awarded: November, 2020
  • California Calls Education Fund
    $500,000 through October, 2021

    for general operating support.

    Equity Fund USA Awarded: October, 2020
  • Play Conejo
    $5,000 through January, 2021

    to support the Borchard Community Park Skate Park.

    USA Awarded: October, 2020
  • Santa Barbara Zoological Foundation
    $7,500 through October, 2021

    to support the virtual keeper program for Title 1 schools in the Conejo Valley and surrounding areas.

    USA Awarded: October, 2020