• Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County Inc.
    $15,000 through July, 2021

    for general operating support.

    USA Awarded: July, 2020
  • Cancer Support Community Valley/Ventura/Santa Barbara
    $10,000 through July, 2021

    to support core programs and services.

    USA Awarded: July, 2020
  • Raise A Child Incorporated
    $60,000 through May, 2021

    to use technology to improve recruitment and retention of prospective parents, effectively identify and promote opportunities for the placement of TAY in caring families, and to contribute to overall TAY self-sufficiency.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: June, 2020
  • National Low Income Housing Coalition and Low Income Housing
    $100,000 through June, 2021

    to support Opportunity Starts at Home, a multi-sector national campaign to ensure that marginalized households with the lowest incomes, which disproportionately includes people of color, have safe, accessible, and affordable homes.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: June, 2020
  • Watts Labor Community Action Committee
    $120,000 through December, 2023

    to provide capacity support for WLCAC's homelessness and housing services division and strengthen service provision for individuals experiencing homelessness in South Los Angeles.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: June, 2020
  • A Nun's Life Ministry
    $200,000 through June, 2022

    to support a series of podcasts dedicated to amplifying the voice of Catholic sisters as leaders in human development.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: June, 2020
  • Archdiocese of Los Angeles
    $190,000 through June, 2021

    to support the Office of the Vicar for Women Religious in conducting a needs assessment of Catholic Sisters in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and developing an implementation plan.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: June, 2020
  • American Nurses Foundation Inc.
    $150,000 through December, 2021

    to support the Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery USA Awarded: June, 2020
  • New Orleans Career Center
    $50,000 through May, 2021

    to document lessons learned and guide other youth serving technical training centers and programs in building rapid response workforce training.

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: June, 2020
  • California Community Foundation
    $50,000 through May, 2021

    to support the Nonprofit Sustainability Initiative's Executive Transitions pilot program.

    USA Awarded: June, 2020