• Yamba Malawi, Inc.
    $400,000 through November, 2021

    to support community-driven strengthening of Early Childhood Development services and support for caregivers in Malawi through income generating activities.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2019
  • Seton Education Partners
    $450,000 through July, 2022

    to provide a sunset grant that supports the formation of Romero Academies, a Catholic school network sustained by tax vouchers and wholly operated by Seton Education Partners.

    Catholic Education USA Awarded: November, 2019
  • World Vision
    $2,000,000 through May, 2024

    To support the implementation of WASH services in Healthcare Facilities within two municipalities in Niger.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2019
  • WaterAid America, Inc.
    $2,000,000 through September, 2024

    To implement WASH services for communities, schools and healthcare facilities in two districts in Mali.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2019
  • Alliance for Children's Rights
    $1,800,000 through December, 2022

    To support a network of critical services and advocacy for foster youth in Los Angeles with the goals of increasing graduation rates, college readiness, and employment.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2019
  • First Star Inc.
    $955,000 through November, 2024

    to support the First Star Bruin Scholars Academy in Los Angeles and the City University of New York (CUNY) Staten Island Academy in New York.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2019
  • Step Up for Students, Inc.
    $200,000 through December, 2020

    to provide a sunset grant that promotes opportunities for low-income K-12 Alabama students to utilize tax-credit scholarships at Catholic schools.

    Catholic Education USA Awarded: November, 2019
  • United Way Inc.
    $8,600,000 through June, 2023

    Toward a $39 million project budget for ongoing support of United Way's Home For Good initiative to end chronic homelessness in LA County.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: November, 2019
  • Cafe Hope, Inc.
    $250,000 through December, 2020

    to support programs at Cafe Hope, which provides culinary training for Opportunity Youth on New Orleans' west bank.

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: November, 2019
  • The Zambia Association of Sisterhoods
    $580,000 through December, 2022

    To strengthen the livelihood resilience of vulnerable and marginalized communities by congregations in targeted areas through capacity building training.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2019