• Loyola University
    $325,000 through May, 2022

    to link Catholic sisters’ action for sustainable human development to their charisms through by way of Social Teaching (CST) through the Loyola Institute for Ministry.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: March, 2020
  • Project Concern International
    $445,000 through March, 2022

    to support research analysis and dissemination of findings on impact of the integration of ECD as part of an infant and young child feeding program in Tanzania.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: March, 2020
  • Advocates for Children of NY, Inc.
    $200,000 through March, 2022

    to enhance educational outcomes for foster youth in New York City through increased coordination between agencies and the development of high-level leadership, policy advocacy and training.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: March, 2020
  • Funders Together to End Homelessness, Inc.
    $450,000 through March, 2023

    to strengthen philanthropy’s voice in lifting up policies that align with best practices to prevent and end homelessness in California and nationally, and to engage philanthropy in addressing racial inequity in homelessness.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: March, 2020
  • SOS Children's Village USA, Inc.
    $100,000 through March, 2021

    for general operating support.

    Humanitarian Prize Global Awarded: March, 2020
  • Brilliant Corners
    $2,250,000 through June, 2023

    To support a partnership with the LA County Department of Health Services and provide flexible funding to purchase supplies and to cover expenses related to a COVID-19 response plan to care for individuals experiencing homelessness in LA County.

    COVID-19 Response USA Awarded: March, 2020
  • United Way Inc.
    $2,250,000 through March, 2021

    For flexible funding for community-based homeless service organizations, the procurement of supplies for the COVID-19 homeless emergency response system, and to align with public health resources through the United Way’s Pandemic Relief Fund.

    COVID-19 Response USA Awarded: March, 2020
  • California Community Foundation
    $500,000 through March, 2021

    To provide flexible funding for community clinics and hospitals to immediately purchase essential supplies and to cover expenses related to developing and implementing a COVID-19 response plan among the homeless population in Los Angeles County.

    COVID-19 Response USA Awarded: March, 2020
  • Shining Hope for Communities, Inc.
    $500,000 through March, 2021

    To provide human and material resources to support outreach and surveillance initiatives and establish a trusted information source to support the implementation of Kenya’s COVID-19 response plan within four of the largest informal settlements in Kenya.

    COVID-19 Response Africa Awarded: March, 2020
  • Amref Health Africa, Inc.
    $100,000 through March, 2021

    for general operating support.

    Humanitarian Prize Global Awarded: March, 2020