• Stanford University
    $500,000 through March, 2022

    to foster adoption of a suite of products that support a systems orientation to program implementation by Safe Water grantees and WASH wider sector actors using a training of trainers approach.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: February, 2020
  • Forum One
    $36,000 through December, 2020

    to design and develop a knowledge sharing platform to share research and learning from SUP Initiative.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: January, 2020
  • Boardsource
    $25,000 through April, 2020

    for general operating support.

    USA Awarded: January, 2020
  • Envicom Corporation
    $49,000 through January, 2021

    to establish a geospatial mobile system for Safe Water Network to improve the planning and management of water schemes in Ghana.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: January, 2020
  • Art Trek Inc.
    $10,000 through November, 2020

    to support the $5 Friday evening art program.

    USA Awarded: December, 2019
  • Arizona State University Foundation For A New American University
    $100,000 through March, 2020

    to support a planning grant for the Cities Leading 4IR for SDGs by the Thunderbird School for Global Management in partnership with the Mayor's Fund for Los Angeles.

    Partnerships Africa Awarded: December, 2019
  • Mayor's Fund for Los Angeles
    $100,000 through March, 2020

    to support a planning grant for the Cities Leading 4IR for SDGs by the Thunderbird School for Global Management in partnership with Arizona State University Foundation.

    Partnerships USA Awarded: December, 2019
  • One Spark Foundation, Inc.
    $10,000 through November, 2020

    for general operating support.

    USA Awarded: December, 2019
  • Foodshare, Inc.
    $10,000 through November, 2020

    for general operating support.

    USA Awarded: December, 2019
  • Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
    $10,000 through November, 2020

    to support restoration and conservation efforts in the Santa Monica Mountains.

    USA Awarded: December, 2019