• Jovenes, Inc.
    $100,000 through June, 2025

    to expand interim housing for female youth experiencing homelessness in Southeast Los Angeles and support physical upgrades to the organization's Boyle Heights headquarters

    Homelessness USA Awarded: June, 2024
  • USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation
    $1,300,000 through June, 2027

    to support the Homeless Policy Research Institute to coordinate and amplify local research to inform policy and program decisions aimed at ending chronic homelessness in Los Angeles County

    Homelessness USA Awarded: June, 2024
  • Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government
    $1,442,000 through June, 2027

    to support the Government Performance Lab Child & Family Wellbeing Project at the Harvard Kennedy School to engage with government agencies in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and New York City to increase placements with relative and fictive kin

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: June, 2024
  • Housing Justice Collective, LLC
    $700,000 through June, 2026

    to launch a national learning community and framework for lived experience partnerships in the homeless response system

    Homelessness USA Awarded: June, 2024
  • Ace Policy Research Institute Limited
    $500,000 through May, 2027

    to improve early childhood development outcomes for children (0-5 years) in refugee settings and host communities in Uganda

    Refugees Africa Awarded: June, 2024
  • Urban Institute
    $750,000 through May, 2026

    to support research on the needs of youth and young workers at WorkRise, a pooled fund and research institute that focuses on economic mobility

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: June, 2024
  • Water4, Inc.
    $1,090,000 through May, 2025

    to scale a safely managed water service delivery model in Wassa East and surrounding communities to demonstrate financial viability and long-term sustainability

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: June, 2024
  • Center for Disaster Philanthropy
    $250,000 through May, 2025

    to strengthen localization support in the disaster-grantmaking sector and diversify its base of core philanthropic funders

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Global Awarded: June, 2024
  • Los Angeles Black Worker Center
    $610,000 through May, 2026

    to create a Workforce Equity Demonstration project leading to high-quality public sector employment for opportunity youth

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: June, 2024
  • YouthBuild México, A.C.
    $50,000 through September, 2024

    to support a workshop to develop youth leadership

    Opportunity Youth North America Awarded: June, 2024