• Yemen Family Care Association
    $500,000 through November, 2025

    to provide 180 households with rehabilitated housing using sustainable materials, refurbish one school, and train 50 teachers in Education in Emergencies and environmental sustainability in Al Modhafar district, Taiz Governorate, Yemen

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: November, 2023
  • Zizi Afrique Foundation
    $300,000 through November, 2025

    to create an opportunity youth-centered research department and scope opportunities to support evidence for advocacy and accountability for early childhood development

    Opportunity Youth Africa Awarded: November, 2023
  • Asociación Salvadoreña de Ayuda Humanitaria PRO-VIDA
    $500,000 through November, 2024

    for Concertación Regional para la Gestión del Riesgo to enhance living conditions for 340 vulnerable families, and build disaster response capabilities across 30 communities in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua

    Disaster Relief & Recovery North America Awarded: November, 2023
  • Zizi Afrique Foundation
    $200,000 through November, 2025

    to create an opportunity youth-centered research department and scope opportunities to support evidence for advocacy and accountability for early childhood development

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2023
  • Pediatric AIDS Treatment for Africa NPC
    $1,008,000 through December, 2026

    to support the provision of quality healthcare services for adolescent girls and young women caregivers and their young children in Tanzania and Mozambique

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2023
  • University of California San Francisco
    $800,000 through November, 2026

    to conduct research in the United States in partnership with the World Health Organization in order to ensure global validity of the Global Scale for Early Development

    Global Early Childhood Development USA Awarded: November, 2023
  • United Way of Greater Atlanta Inc.
    $2,150,000 through November, 2025

    to build the capacity of the child welfare advocacy infrastructure in Georgia

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2023
  • LA 4 LA Fund
    $3,000,000 through November, 2025

    for the LA 4 LA Fund, a project of the CCF Community Initiatives Fund, to accelerate the pace of housing development for people experiencing homelessness

    Homelessness USA Awarded: November, 2023
  • Dicastery for Communication
    $1,800,000 through November, 2025

    to support reporting and documenting Catholic Sisters' stories and ministries through the Vatican’s Dicastery of Communication Networks

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: November, 2023
  • World Vision
    $4,750,000 through November, 2026

    To extend the Safe Water Enterprise model to more systems in Asutifi North, expand service delivery to Asunafo North, and co-design and pilot a drinking water sustainability fund for the rural water sector.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2023