• UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare
    $500,000 through July, 2021

    To support a regional analysis of data on Los Angeles County transition age foster youth through the California Child Welfare Indicators Project.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: July, 2018
  • Philanthropy Northwest
    $5,000 through July, 2019

    To support the National Child Welfare Learning Network.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: July, 2018
  • WaterAid America, Inc.
    $100,000 through January, 2019

    To build on lessons and plan for the next phase of WASH in health care facilities program in Mali.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: July, 2018
  • Montana Healthcare Foundation
    $400,000 through January, 2021

    To support the implementation of youth SBIRT in Montana.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: July, 2018
  • The African Early Childhood Network Registered Trustees
    $500,000 through August, 2020

    To strengthen advocacy efforts in support of early childhood development.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: July, 2018
  • Local Initiatives Support Corporation
    $50,000 through July, 2019

    To support a community development approach to strengthen access to addiction prevention and treatment in rural communities.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: July, 2018
  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
    $100,000 through August, 2020

    To disseminate a special series on implementation research and practice for early childhood programming.

    Global Early Childhood Development Global Awarded: July, 2018
  • Social Justice Partners Los Angeles
    $40,000 through July, 2019

    To accelerate the growth and impact of a small cohort of systems change initiatives focused on foster youth in Los Angeles County.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: July, 2018
  • Social Justice Partners Los Angeles
    $40,000 through July, 2019

    To accelerate the growth and impact of a small cohort of systems change initiatives focused on homelessness in Los Angeles County.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: July, 2018
  • Legal Action Center of the City of New York, Inc.
    $50,000 through January, 2019

    To conduct policy and advocacy efforts to protect and expand access to adolescent and young SUD services as part of health care.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: July, 2018