• United Friends of the Children
    $1,500,000 through December, 2017

    to support the College Readiness Program, which helps foster youth graduate high school and continue with success in college.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2014
  • Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Inc.
    $1,000,000 through December, 2017

    to integrate adolescent Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) into high schools and pediatric primary care settings across Maryland.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: November, 2014
  • Georgetown University
    $750,000 through November, 2017

    to study and support cross-sector collaboration involving Catholic sisters serving in health care ministries in peri-urban slums in Accra, Ghana.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2014
  • WaterAid America, Inc.
    $2,200,000 through December, 2017

    to support WaterAid's activities to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene at healthcare facilities located in trachoma-endemic communities of Mali.

    Avoidable Blindness Africa Awarded: November, 2014
  • Liberty's Kitchen
    $485,000 through June, 2017

    to expand the Youth Development Program, which provides disconnected young people with a path to self-sufficiency through foodservice-based training, mental health, education, and work readiness programs in the New Orleans area.

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: November, 2014
  • Winthrop University Hospital Association
    $440,000 through June, 2017

    to develop a minimally invasive DNA-based biomarker assay for the detection of cell loss in autoimmune diseases.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: November, 2014
  • J. David Gladstone Institutes
    $495,000 through June, 2017

    to explore the potential of the coagulation cascade as a unique niche for biomarkers in progressive Multiple Sclerosis.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: November, 2014
  • Salk Institute for Biological Studies
    $900,000 through December, 2017

    to develop in vitro models to study subtypes of MS using human cells.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: November, 2014
  • World Vision
    $4,000,000 through January, 2017

    to support efforts to sustain water access programs in Ghana, Mali and Niger.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2014
  • United States Fund for UNICEF
    $200,000 through September, 2017

    to produce and launch a special series in the Lancet on the role of early childhood development in advancing equity and sustainability.

    Global Early Childhood Development Global Awarded: November, 2014