• Aquaya Institute
    $2,500,000 through December, 2022

    to explore and build sustainable water quality testing systems in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Uganda.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2017
  • World Vision
    $800,000 through July, 2020

    to support a strategic partnership with IRC to plan and implement comprehensive water projects in the planned district-based programs in Ghana, Mali and Niger.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2017
  • Johns Hopkins University
    $585,000 through June, 2023

    to study how to reduce chronic inflammation in MS patients.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: May, 2017
  • Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
    $552,710 through April, 2022

    to use advanced imaging techniques to study what role astrocytes cells in the cortex may play in promoting remyelination in MS.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: May, 2017
  • Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    $117,584 through June, 2021

    to study astrocytic regulation of immune cell activity during central nervous system inflammation.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: May, 2017
  • Johns Hopkins University
    $535,000 through June, 2022

    to study signaling pathways that lead to free radical damage in MS patients.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: May, 2017
  • WaterCredit Investment Fund 3, LP
    $1,500,000 through August, 2023

    to make a program related investment (PRI) over seven years in the WaterCredit Investment Fund 3 for loans to microfinance institutions and water supply enterprises in order to build a bridge to large-scale investment in WASH infrastructure for Africa.

    Safe Water Asia Awarded: May, 2017
  • Partnership to End Addiction
    $750,000 through March, 2020

    to equip parents with resources to address youth substance use.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: May, 2017
  • Kidogo Early Years Inc.
    $600,000 through May, 2020

    to replicate a social franchise daycare model in urban informal settlements in Kenya.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2017
  • PATH
    $8,200,000 through September, 2021

    to scale up early childhood development services as part of health systems in Mozambique, Kenya, and Zambia.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2017