• Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
    $240,000 through June, 2019

    to support research that advances our understanding of Catholic sisters.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2016
  • The World Bank
    $300,000 through August, 2017

    for the Early Learning Partnership to provide the Government of Tanzania with data on the pre-primary teaching workforce.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: August, 2016
  • Abt Global Inc.
    $1,900,000 through March, 2022

    to serve as Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning partner for Phase II of the Foundation's Chronic Homelessness Strategic Initiative.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: August, 2016
  • Alverno College
    $2,750,000 through August, 2020

    to expand and deepen National Catholic Sisters Project (formerly known as National Catholic Sisters Week) to include three additional Catholic colleges and universities located in California, Texas and Wisconsin.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2016
  • The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
    $750,000 through April, 2020

    to build the capacity of community colleges to address unintended pregnancy among youth transitioning out of foster care in Los Angeles and New York.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: August, 2016
  • LifeNet International
    $900,000 through May, 2020

    to build the capacity of Catholic sisters to operate in 22 community health centers in Uganda.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: August, 2016
  • Medicines for Humanity, Inc.
    $250,000 through December, 2018

    to build the capacity of 11 congregations of Catholic Sisters in Haiti to implement effective training programs for traditional birth attendants.

    Catholic Sisters North America Awarded: August, 2016
  • Myriad USA, Inc.
    $260,000 through August, 2018

    to strengthen early childhood development networks for research and advocacy in Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique. The Foundation will recommend that funds support the African Early Childhood Network.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: August, 2016
  • World Vision
    $3,000,000 through August, 2020

    to demonstrate sustainable WASH services in all health care facilities in two districts in Mali.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: August, 2016
  • Safe Water Network
    $5,000,000 through August, 2021

    to develop a market for small water enterprises (SWEs) in Ghana.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: August, 2016