• Center for Health Care Strategies Inc.
    $900,000 through March, 2019

    to partner with Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP) to support Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) adoption by health plans that serve low-income and vulnerable youth.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: November, 2015
  • Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
    $1,500,000 through August, 2018

    to integrate early childhood development services as part of maternal child health and HIV services in Tanzania and Zambia.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2015
  • Firelight Foundation
    $2,100,000 through May, 2018

    to strengthen the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOS) for delivery of early childhood development services in HIV affected communities in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2015
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $2,000,000 through June, 2018

    for the integration of early stimulation and positive parenting coaching as part of community and clinic-based systems in Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: November, 2015
  • Conejo Free Clinic
    $10,000 through October, 2016

    for general operating support to provide medical services without charge for approximately 2,500 patients.

    USA Awarded: November, 2015
  • Pathways to Housing Inc.
    $35,000 through April, 2016

    to support the Housing First Partners Conference.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: November, 2015
  • Art Trek Inc.
    $10,000 through October, 2016

    to support the $5 Friday evening art program.

    USA Awarded: November, 2015
  • Play Conejo
    $20,000 through October, 2016

    to support the Rotary DreamCatcher Playground.

    USA Awarded: November, 2015
  • Skirball Cultural Center
    $10,000 through October, 2016

    to support the exhibition, "A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity."

    USA Awarded: November, 2015
  • Students Run America
    $10,000 through November, 2016

    for general operating support of Students Run LA.

    USA Awarded: November, 2015