• Center for Strategic Partnerships
    $100,000 through August, 2025

    for the Center for Strategic Partnerships, a project of Southern California Grantmakers, to support child welfare-involved youth to access quality permanent housing in collaboration with the homeless services and Los Angeles County child welfare systems

    Homelessness USA Awarded: September, 2023
  • Center for Strategic Partnerships
    $707,000 through August, 2025

    for the Center for Strategic Partnerships, a project of Southern California Grantmakers, to support child welfare-involved youth to access quality permanent housing in collaboration with the homeless services and Los Angeles County child welfare systems

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: September, 2023
  • Society of The Infant Jesus Limited by Guarantee
    $100,000 through August, 2025

    to launch a Catholic sisters' elderly care network in Ghana and support 15 congregations to improve the quality and care for 276 elderly and infirm sisters

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: September, 2023
  • Red Rahamim
    $250,000 through October, 2025

    for Red Rahamim, a project of the Comboni Missionary Sisters, to build capacity and expand its network to combat human trafficking in Mexico through increased programming and by implementing preventive strategies

    Catholic Sisters North America Awarded: September, 2023
  • Miguel Contreras Foundation
    $900,000 through September, 2025

    to create high-road career pathways programs for opportunity youth in Los Angeles that lead to economic mobility

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: September, 2023
  • Downtown Emergency Service Center
    $25,000 through June, 2024

    to support the 2024 Housing First Partners Conference

    Homelessness USA Awarded: September, 2023
  • Daughters of the Redeemer
    $150,000 through October, 2024

    to strengthen the Catholic sisters' communication network in Zambia - PHASE II

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: September, 2023
  • Transcultural Psycho Social Organisation Ltd
    $250,000 through August, 2024

    To provide 2-generational support for refugee and host community members through mental health, positive parenting, and livelihoods interventions

    Refugees Africa Awarded: September, 2023
  • Myriad USA, Inc.
    $50,000 through August, 2024

    To support Amahoro Coalition's implementation of the Africa Private Sector Forum on Forced Displacement, a gathering of actors to discuss solutions and make financial commitments to build and invest in businesses focused on refugee economic inclusion

    Refugees Africa Awarded: September, 2023
  • Federatia Conferinta Romana A Superioarelor Majore
    $200,000 through September, 2025

    to provide formation and support the renewal curriculum update, strengthening the quality and continuing education and spiritual formation of 240 Women Religious in Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary

    Catholic Sisters Europe Awarded: September, 2023