• The Riordan Foundation
    $480,000 through December, 2022

    to fund an educational design fellowship for Catholic schools through TrueSchool Studio.

    Catholic Education USA Awarded: August, 2015
  • Regents of the University of California at Berkeley
    $630,000 through August, 2018

    to support a regional analysis of data on Los Angeles County transition age foster youth through the California Child Welfare Indicators Project.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: August, 2015
  • University of Notre Dame
    $1,100,000 through August, 2018

    to expand aggressively the Notre Dame ACE Academies network of high-performing schools in dioceses where Notre Dame can help increase both number of students served and quality of the educational opportunities through the implementation of private school choice scholarships. 

    Catholic Education USA Awarded: August, 2015
  • National Academy of Sciences
    $50,000 through June, 2018

    to support a study on the links between health care and homelessness.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: August, 2015
  • University of California Global Health Institute
    $1,500,000 through February, 2018

    to pilot the delivery of early childhood development services as part of HIV treatment in Malawi.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: August, 2015
  • United States Fund for UNICEF
    $1,900,000 through July, 2018

    to strengthen UNICEF's capacity to advocate for increased government investment in early childhood development programming.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: August, 2015
  • Center for Disaster Philanthropy
    $1,000,000 through September, 2018

    to implement the strategic plan and provide general operating support.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Global Awarded: August, 2015
  • Fedcap Rehabilitation Services
    $1,590,000 through August, 2018

    to implement and scale the PrepNOW training for caregivers of transition age youth in New York City and Los Angeles County.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: August, 2015
  • United Way Inc.
    $6,000,000 through August, 2017

    to continue support of United Way's Home For Good efforts to end chronic and veteran homelessness in LA County.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: August, 2015
  • International Medical Corps
    $500,000 through August, 2017

    to support ongoing efforts at strengthening primary health care services to Syrian refugees in southern Turkey as well as a communications campaign aimed at raising awareness of this crisis.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: August, 2015