• Catholic Theological Union at Chicago
    $1,000,000 through January, 2022

    to support key programs and build the capacity of Giving Voice, a peer-led organization that supports young sisters.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2014
  • Policy Research, Inc.
    $610,000 through February, 2018

    to support the National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice to develop and test a pilot approach to using Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) with youth involved in the juvenile justice system.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: August, 2014
  • Portland State University
    $2,000,000 through June, 2018

    to add Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) to the Reclaiming Futures model to expand early intervention and diversion opportunities for court-involved youth.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: August, 2014
  • Myelin Repair Foundation
    $1,350,000 through August, 2017

    to provide flexible funding for Myelin Repair Foundation-sponsored research and to build fundraising capacity.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: August, 2014
  • Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious
    $1,350,000 through August, 2017

    to utilize the unique opportunity of the Year of Consecrated Life to increase contacts and relationships with sisters and ultimately inspire more vocations to religious life.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2014
  • L'Unione Internazionale delle Superiore Generali
    $700,000 through August, 2017

    to build the capacity of the UISG in its role of supporting the leadership of Superiors General internationally and strengthening the impact and influence of the network of Catholic sisters globally.

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: August, 2014
  • National Opinion Research Center
    $2,000,000 through May, 2018

    to develop a Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) curriculum to integrate into social work and nursing schools.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: August, 2014
  • The University of New Mexico Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions
    $1,700,000 through May, 2018

    to expand a Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) pilot project to School-Based Health Clinics (SBHC) throughout the state of New Mexico.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: August, 2014
  • Abt Global Inc.
    $700,000 through February, 2017

    to support the continued evaluation of the Foundation's Chronic Homelessness Strategic Initiative.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: August, 2014
  • Water.Org Inc.
    $1,300,000 through August, 2019

    to expand the Water Credit model, which seeks to address demand for affordable microcredit financing options in Ethiopia.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: August, 2014