• Laboure Society
    $250,000 through August, 2015

    to hire an Aspirant Program Administrator, upgrade technology and provide training and support materials for Aspirants.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: July, 2014
  • National Academy of Sciences
    $25,000 through July, 2015

    to support a convening to explore the impact of the changing U.S. health care system under the Affordable Care Act on the homeless population.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: July, 2014
  • Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing Inc.
    $100,000 through July, 2016

    to support advocacy efforts in Los Angeles County and the Southern California Association of Non Profit Housing's (SCANPH) annual conference.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: July, 2014
  • The National Alliance to End Homelessness Inc.
    $25,000 through July, 2015

    to support the annual national conference.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: July, 2014
  • Community Initiatives
    $150,000 through July, 2015

    to support the John Burton Foundation to increase the capacity of county child welfare agencies to prevent pregnancy among youth in foster care in Los Angeles and to provide technical assistance to the California College Pathways program.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: July, 2014
  • California Community Foundation
    $50,000 through July, 2015

    to support providers engaged in, or seeking to engage in, collaborative planning and action to implement SBIRT for youth who are at-risk for substance abuse; and to identify other projects/organizations for potential funding.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: July, 2014
  • Catholic Partnership Schools Camden NJ
    $250,000 through July, 2015

    to advance the partnership of five Catholic Schools in the inner city of Camden, New Jersey in order to strengthen their vitality and sustainability in providing a quality education for low-income students.

    Catholic Education USA Awarded: June, 2014
  • City Futures, Inc
    $20,000 through June, 2015

    for the Center for an Urban Future to develop a landscape analysis of workforce investments and funding opportunities for transition age youth in New York City.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: June, 2014
  • The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region
    $20,000 through June, 2015

    to support the Youth Transition Funder's Group.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: June, 2014
  • Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
    $750,000 through May, 2017

    to pilot the Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) in Mexico.

    Catholic Sisters North America Awarded: May, 2014