• YouthBuild USA, Inc.
    $1,800,000 through August, 2017

    to implement a Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) model in community-based YouthBuild programs.

    Substance Use Prevention USA Awarded: March, 2014
  • Corporation for Supportive Housing
    $6,000,000 through March, 2017

    to support the Los Angeles initiative to prevent and end chronic homelessness through continued strengthening of the permanent supportive housing (PSH) industry.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: March, 2014
  • Center for Disaster Philanthropy
    $250,000 through March, 2015

    to provide general operating support and to launch a Community of Practice peer-to-peer network of disaster response donors in order to promote best practices in disaster-related philanthropy.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Global Awarded: March, 2014
  • FSG, Inc.
    $300,000 through December, 2016

    to support the launch of the Collective Impact Forum.

    USA Awarded: March, 2014
  • University of Southern California
    $2,500,000 through December, 2018

    to design and implement a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan to assess the effectiveness of the Catholic Sisters Strategic Initiative and grantmaking activities.

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: March, 2014
  • First Place for Youth
    $600,000 through March, 2017

    to improve intensive case management around employment, education, and parenting outcomes for foster youth in Los Angeles.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: March, 2014
  • Stichting IRC, International Water and Sanitation Centre
    $3,000,000 through January, 2021

    to strengthen the capacity of government agencies to effectively manage water supply assets and deliver reliable safe water services to 1.3 million people in 13 rural districts in Ghana.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: March, 2014
  • Millennium Water Alliance
    $5,000,000 through November, 2017

    to increase access to safe water for an additional 300,000 people in rural Ethiopia, and to strengthen the capacity of government to manage existing water supply assets and deliver reliable safe water services to 3.2 million people in 23 districts.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: March, 2014
  • Funders Together to End Homelessness, Inc.
    $300,000 through February, 2017

    toward efforts to build a movement among private philanthropy to end homelessness.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: March, 2014
  • Community Solutions International Inc.
    $350,000 through June, 2016

    to provide technical assistance in the implementation of the Coordinated Entry System to streamline the housing process for chronically homeless persons in Los Angeles County.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: March, 2014