• Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities
    $82,200 through March, 2024

    to support the supplement and evaluation of the 2023 Women in Faith Leadership cohort

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: October, 2023
  • Council on Foundations, Inc.
    $500,000 through October, 2025

    for general operating support

    USA Awarded: October, 2023
  • Cewas
    $1,160,000 through September, 2026

    to build a safe water entrepreneur pipeline targeting vulnerable populations in Ghana and Uganda and scale innovative safe water models

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: October, 2023
  • Results for Development Institute Inc.
    $380,000 through September, 2025

    To conduct a systems-level evaluation and dissemination of lessons learned in Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, and Uganda.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: October, 2023
  • Cardinal Onaiyekan Foundation for Peace
    $200,000 through October, 2025

    to build the leadership and peacebuilding capacity of 22 Catholic sisters in Nigeria for sustainable human development

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: October, 2023
  • Child Trends Incorporated
    $100,000 through January, 2025

    to develop research case studies of best practices and lessons learned on youth voice activities and their relationship to advocacy outcomes

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: October, 2023
  • Child Trends Incorporated
    $250,000 through January, 2025

    to develop research case studies of best practices and lessons learned on youth voice activities and their relationship to advocacy outcomes

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: October, 2023
  • Association of Major Superiors of Women Religious in Korea
    $383,000 through October, 2025

    to support ongoing formation and leadership development for Catholic sisters in Korea

    Catholic Sisters Asia Awarded: October, 2023
  • PolicyLink
    $710,000 through September, 2025

    to support: 1) wages to fund a fellowship position that addresses working on issues pertinent to New Orleans and national policy and 2) the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: October, 2023
  • National Development Planning Commission
    $250,000 through December, 2024

    to advance a systems approach to achieving SDG 6, including the scale-up of district WASH Master Plans and promoting progress and lessons learned on improving water safety by stopping the flow of lead in drinking water systems

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: October, 2023