• Georgetown University
    $750,000 through August, 2022

    to enhance the vitality of sisters’ ministries in Ghana, West Africa through researching and expanding an innovative model for strategic, cross-sector collaboration.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: March, 2020
  • Marywood University
    $10,000,000 through June, 2024

    to implement phase III of the Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) program.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: March, 2020
  • DePaul University
    $1,500,000 through February, 2024

    to expand and grow training and support for sisters in Tanzania and Kenya through programs at the Center for Leadership and Management at Tangaza University College.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: March, 2020
  • Catholic Schools Collaborative
    $600,000 through June, 2022

    to provide professional development, specialized curricula, and other supports to a cohort of under-resourced schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: March, 2020
  • National Religious Vocation Conference
    $200,000 through November, 2022

    to bolster organizational sustainability through the institutionalization of new innovative management structures, and the provision of lifelong formation opportunities for 50 sisters.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: February, 2020
  • The Zambia Association of Sisterhoods
    $580,000 through December, 2022

    To strengthen the livelihood resilience of vulnerable and marginalized communities by congregations in targeted areas through capacity building training.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2019
  • LifeNet International
    $1,500,000 through December, 2022

    To continue and expand health service quality improvement in Uganda and Malawi.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2019
  • The Association of the Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa
    $950,000 through December, 2022

    To develop a regional formation program for Catholic Sisters.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2019
  • President-Board of Trustees Santa Clara College
    $552,000 through June, 2022

    To provide Catholic Sisters in East Africa practical hands-on learning experiences in social entrepreneurship through the Miller Center to catalyze sustainable and scalable solutions to alleviate poverty.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2019
  • Africa Faith and Justice Network
    $700,000 through December, 2022

    To continue strengthening a coalition network of sisters already established in Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania, deepen their analytical abilities and advance their practical advocacy skills.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2019