• L.A. Family Housing Corporation
    $700,000 through June, 2014

    To support the San Fernando Valley Homeless Coalition's efforts to place and maintain chronically homeless persons in permanent supportive housing.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: May, 2012
  • Housing California
    $300,000 through May, 2014

    for community outreach and policy work to build support for affordable housing in California.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: May, 2012
  • National Religious Vocation Conference
    $650,000 through June, 2013

    to build organizational capacity to implement the Moving Forward in Hope National Vocation Plan and to support key programs.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: May, 2012
  • Save the Children Federation, Inc.
    $3,000,000 through August, 2015

    to implement the Essential Package and build the capacity of community-based organizations and governments to deliver Early Childhood Development services for young children affected by HIV/AIDS in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia.

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: May, 2012
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    $1,500,000 through June, 2015

    to design, conduct, and implement an overall monitoring, evaluation, and learning strategy for the Foundation's Water Initiative.

    Safe Water Global Awarded: May, 2012
  • Mercy Corps
    $250,000 through June, 2013

    To enhance food security, economic resilience, and economic recovery for 1800 vulnerable households in the Tillaberi region of Niger. The activities will include cash-for-work, distribution of goats to female heads of households and cash crop production.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Africa Awarded: May, 2012
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $250,000 through May, 2013

    to mitigate immediate food insecurity and degradation of beneficiaries' land through cash for work activities benefitting 2081 of the most vulnerable rural households in Niger's Ouallam and Tillaberi areas.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Africa Awarded: May, 2012
  • Candid
    $300,000 through March, 2015

    to enhance the functionality of WASHfunders.org, a web-based knowledge portal focused on the issue of access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene.

    Safe Water Global Awarded: February, 2012
  • The North American Foundation for the University of Durham, Inc.
    $200,000 through July, 2015

    To support research on Sisters' religious institutes directed by the Center for Catholic Studies at Durham University.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: February, 2012
  • Housing Works
    $570,000 through February, 2015

    to support the Mobile Integrated Service Team (MIST) in providing outreach, engagement, housing placement, and services in permanent supportive housing to chronically homeless persons in Los Angeles County.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: February, 2012