• St. Anne's Maternity Home
    $1,500,000 through September, 2017

    to support the Transition Age Youth (TAY) Collaborative's implementation of a workforce development curriculum for foster youth in Los Angeles.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: August, 2013
  • The New York Foundling
    $1,500,000 through August, 2016

    for educational support for foster youth from 8th grade through college through the Road to Success Program.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: August, 2013
  • St. Catherine University
    $3,300,000 through August, 2016

    to design, develop, and implement National Catholic Sisters Week in conjunction with Women's History Month, to heighten awareness of the contributions of women religious in the United States, thereby, increasing vocations.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2013
  • Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen
    $500,000 through August, 2014

    to support Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen's provision of assistance for refugees of the Syria Crisis who are now located in Turkey.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: August, 2013
  • Thomas Aquinas College
    $600,000 through June, 2016

    for direct scholarship support.

    Catholic Education USA Awarded: August, 2013
  • Good Shepherd Services
    $1,555,000 through August, 2016

    to support the Stepping Stones to Success educational and vocational program for foster youth and capital renovations.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: August, 2013
  • Brilliant Corners
    $4,000,000 through December, 2015

    toward the Flexible Housing Subsidy Pool to house at least 600 of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services' most challenging homeless clients. Foundation funds will be matched at least $7 million by Los Angeles County.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: August, 2013
  • Clifford Beers Housing
    $500,000 through December, 2016

    to support the development of Permanent Supportive Housing in high need areas throughout Los Angeles County.

    Homelessness USA Awarded: August, 2013
  • Marywood University
    $4,500,000 through February, 2016

    to implement Phase III of the Sisters Leadership Development Initiative.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: May, 2013
  • Safe Water Network
    $1,500,000 through June, 2016

    to develop and demonstrate viable market-based approaches for the sustainable delivery of safe water to poor communities in Ghana. Hilton funds will be matched 1:1.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2013