• Fedcap Rehabilitation Services
    $750,000 through May, 2015

    to support the creation and dissemination of PrepNOW! training for caregivers of transition age youth in New York City.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: May, 2013
  • Myelin Repair Foundation
    $50,000 through May, 2014

    to fund a yearly convening bringing together MS researchers.

    Multiple Sclerosis USA Awarded: April, 2013
  • UC Santa Barbara Foundation
    $530,000 through June, 2016

    to provide long-term support for the UCSB Guardian Scholars program that assists former foster youth.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: February, 2013
  • The Carter Center, Inc.
    $6,440,000 through February, 2017

    to support The Carter Center's activities to assist Mali and Niger achieve elimination of trachoma in their respective countries by 2015.

    Avoidable Blindness Africa Awarded: February, 2013
  • Marywood University
    $980,000 through February, 2014

    to bridge the transition between Phase II and Phase III of the Sister Leadership Development Initiative.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: February, 2013
  • VIA - Visually Impaired Advancement
    $1,000,000 through May, 2016

    to support programs for visually impaired and physically disabled individuals desiring career-path employment in the fields of hospitality and customer service at the National Statler Center for Careers in Hospitality Service.

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: February, 2013
  • Georgetown University
    $640,000 through September, 2018

    to support implementation of the Crossover Youth Practice Model and system improvements in LA County and New York City.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: February, 2013
  • Sightsavers Inc.
    $880,000 through February, 2016

    to support Sightsavers' activities to assist Mali achieve elimination of trachoma by 2015.

    Avoidable Blindness Africa Awarded: February, 2013
  • Westat, Inc.
    $1,200,000 through June, 2016

    to evaluate the Foundation's Foster Youth strategy.

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: February, 2013
  • Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
    $500,000 through December, 2016

    to support Hurricane Sandy affordable housing relief and recovery efforts: $100,000 for immediate relief and $400,000 towards long term recovery.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery USA Awarded: December, 2012