• Devex
    $50,000 through April, 2024

    to support dissemination of the ethical storytelling toolkit

    Partnerships Global Awarded: April, 2023
  • Network for Empowered Aid Response
    $1,500,000 through March, 2026

    For Network for Empowered Aid Response to support Local Leadership Labs, which will surface solutions and data towards the shared global goal of influencing funding flows and policy decisions to better resource local actors, co-led with CIVICUS.

    Partnerships Global Awarded: March, 2023
  • Civicus World Alliance for Citizen Participation Inc.
    $1,500,000 through March, 2026

    To support solutions oriented Local Leadership Labs, which will surface solutions towards the shared global goal of influencing funding flows and policy decisions to better resource local actors.

    Partnerships Global Awarded: March, 2023
  • International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
    $100,000 through February, 2024

    to support ICVA's continued role providing organizational capacity development of local NGO fora in strategic planning, governance, and human resource management and promote the role of local NGO fora in the broader humanitarian community.

    Partnerships Global Awarded: February, 2023
  • West Africa Civil Society Institute
    $50,000 through July, 2023

    to support the transition of the RINGO Project: re-imagining the INGO and the role of global civil society.

    Partnerships Global Awarded: February, 2023
  • United Nations Development Programme
    $1,000,000 through November, 2025

    for continued support of the Connecting Business Initiative (CBi), to undertake research, advocacy, and capacity building activities to promote localization by strengthening the participation of local businesses in disaster response and recovery.

    Partnerships Global Awarded: November, 2022
  • Partnership Brokers Association
    $500,000 through December, 2024

    to support strengthening local communities’ capacity for brokering collaborative change through peer-to-peer learning.

    Partnerships Global Awarded: November, 2022
  • United Nations Development Programme, Kenya
    $500,000 through November, 2025

    for UNDP Kenya to increase productive multistakeholder partnerships that drive towards equitable development and are co-created at the local levels with communities through the SDG Partnerships Platform in Kenya.

    Partnerships Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • International Youth Foundation
    $500,000 through May, 2024

    to support the Global Youth Resiliency Fund 2.0, providing ongoing resources to local, youth-led organizations at the forefront of innovation and change

    Partnerships Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Partnership for Equitable and Resilient Communities Fund
    $500,000 through November, 2024

    to support the Partnership for Equitable and Resilient Communities (PERC), a collaboration between philanthropy, nonprofits, and local government to engage communities in decision making about the distribution of federal funding at a city level

    Partnerships USA Awarded: November, 2022