• University of California San Francisco
    $800,000 through November, 2026

    to conduct research in the United States in partnership with the World Health Organization in order to ensure global validity of the Global Scale for Early Development

    Global Early Childhood Development USA Awarded: November, 2023
  • PATH
    $1,500,000 through October, 2024

    to transition support to integrate early childhood development services within health systems to government and local partners in Kenya and Mozambique

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: October, 2023
  • Stellenbosch University
    $495,000 through August, 2026

    to support grantees measure outcomes and use evidence focused on improving caregiver well-being, caregiving practices, and child development

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: September, 2023
  • Parent Voices California
    $100,000 through September, 2025

    for Parent Voices California, a project of Community Partners, to build a chapter in Los Angeles that trains and supports parents to educate policymakers on strategies to improve the child care system for families with infants and toddlers

    Global Early Childhood Development USA Awarded: September, 2023
  • Partnership for Community Action
    $100,000 through September, 2024

    to support a coalition of young parents in New Mexico that centers their PN-3 needs and amplifies the assets and values of their families

    Global Early Childhood Development USA Awarded: September, 2023
  • Investing in Children and their Societies - Skillful Parenting (ICS-SP)
    $2,250,000 through April, 2026

    to implement and assess the effectiveness of a parenting intervention targeting young children of adolescent parents

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: August, 2023
  • HakiElimu
    $200,000 through May, 2024

    to scope out opportunities to support promotion of early childhood development accountability in Tanzania

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: August, 2023
  • Project Joy
    $100,000 through August, 2025

    to support community based organizations in the Antelope Valley region of Los Angeles that are striving to improve birth outcomes

    Global Early Childhood Development USA Awarded: August, 2023
    $1,500,000 through August, 2026

    to improve the parenting practices and wellbeing of adolescent mothers and young women with children aged 0-3 years in Mozambique

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: August, 2023
  • American Heart Association, Inc.
    $700,000 through August, 2025

    to support the National Collaborative of Infants and Toddlers in advancing equitable policies and programs that ensure every child from prenatal to age three has support for a strong start in life

    Global Early Childhood Development USA Awarded: August, 2023