• Coalicion Por Venezuela Inc.
    $100,000 through May, 2024

    To strengthen the technical and advocacy capacities of Venezuelan refugee- and migrant-led organizations and support them to promote social and economic inclusion and integration of Venezuelan refugees into host communities.

    Refugees South America Awarded: May, 2023
  • Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo-Partners of the Americas
    $100,000 through November, 2023

    To provide entrepreneurship support to migrants and host communities in Guayaquil through training and seed capital.

    Refugees South America Awarded: May, 2023
  • Ecuadorian Federation of Exporters
    $1,000,000 through April, 2025

    To support the socioeconomic integration of refugees, migrants, and vulnerable host communities through labor inclusion and development networks.

    Refugees South America Awarded: May, 2023
  • Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
    $100,000 through December, 2025

    To research the effects of inclusive refugee hosting on local development, voting, and public attitudes in Uganda.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: May, 2023
  • Municipio de Medellín
    $1,000,000 through August, 2025

    To support the social, economic, and cultural integration of migrants, refugees, and returnees across eight communes in Medellin.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2023
  • Refugee Career Jumpstart Project
    $300,000 through December, 2024

    To improve the meaningful participation of refugees in global and national policy-and decision-making that impacts their lives.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: March, 2023
  • FINCA International Inc.
    $500,000 through March, 2025

    To support the early childhood development ecosystem for refugees in Uganda.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: March, 2023
  • Fundacion Carulla - aeioTU
    $750,000 through July, 2024

    To promote quality childcare social enterprises in migrant and host communities across four key municipalities in Colombia.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2023
  • Fundación Pies Descalzos
    $500,000 through December, 2024

    to support inclusive education for young migrant children and entrepreneurship training for their families in La Guajira and Cartagena.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2023
  • Acumen Fund Inc.
    $23,000 through November, 2023

    To conduct market research on employer-supported childcare in Uganda and Ethiopia.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: March, 2023