• Saha Global Inc.
    $250,000 through December, 2024

    To conduct a feasibility and scoping study to explore a new water service delivery model for hard-to-reach communities across Ghana, including Asutifi North and Wassa East districts.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2023
  • Inner City Law Center
    $55,000 through May, 2024

    to provide continued funding for benefit assessments for people with lived experience of homelessness who engage in consulting and advisory roles in Los Angeles County

    Homelessness USA Awarded: May, 2023
  • Brown University
    $100,000 through September, 2024

    To develop and disseminate a landscape of the evidence, best practices, and policy tools for achieving successful socioeconomic integration of refugees and migrants into hosting communities.

    Refugees Global Awarded: May, 2023
  • Southern California Center for Nonprofit Management
    $50,000 through June, 2024

    For general operating support.

    USA Awarded: May, 2023
  • Southern California Grantmakers
    $25,000 through May, 2024

    To support the Mission Investing Institute.

    USA Awarded: May, 2023
  • CHANGE Philanthropy
    $10,000 through May, 2024

    To support CHANGE Philanthropy, a project of Hispanics in Philanthropy, and the 2023 Unity Summit in Los Angeles.

    USA Awarded: May, 2023
  • LABC Institute
    $25,000 through April, 2024

    To support the 21st Annual Mayoral Housing, Transportation and Jobs Summit.

    USA Awarded: May, 2023
  • Early Edge California
    $900,000 through April, 2026

    For Early Edge California, a project of New Venture Fund, to increase licensed spaces for infants and toddlers in California through a public awareness campaign, policymaker education, and supports for the early learning and care workforce.

    Global Early Childhood Development USA Awarded: May, 2023
  • Social Justice Partners Los Angeles
    $50,000 through April, 2025

    to support implementation of equity recommendations related to Care First Community Investments in Los Angeles

    Equity Fund USA Awarded: May, 2023
  • Fundación Refugiados Unidos
    $100,000 through December, 2023

    To support the integration of Venezuelan migrants, refugees, and returnees in Bogota through legal empowerment and livelihoods programming.

    Refugees South America Awarded: May, 2023