• The Center for Fair Futures
    $1,680,000 through March, 2026

    for The Center for Fair Futures, a project of the Fund of the City of New York Inc., to expand implementation, TA, and evaluation; and launch an innovation arm to identify gaps and pilot transition-aged youth-wellbeing projects alongside youth leaders

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: March, 2023
  • Network for Empowered Aid Response
    $1,500,000 through March, 2026

    for Network for Empowered Aid Response to support Local Leadership Labs, which will surface solutions and data towards the shared global goal of influencing funding flows and policy decisions to better resource local actors, co-led with CIVICUS

    Partnerships Global Awarded: March, 2023
  • Civicus World Alliance for Citizen Participation Inc.
    $1,500,000 through March, 2026

    To support solutions oriented Local Leadership Labs, which will surface solutions towards the shared global goal of influencing funding flows and policy decisions to better resource local actors.

    Partnerships Global Awarded: March, 2023
  • Pact Inc.
    $3,000,000 through March, 2026

    to integrate early childhood development into USAID's project to support young children and families affected by HIV in Tanzania

    Global Early Childhood Development Africa Awarded: March, 2023
  • CivicWell
    $25,000 through August, 2023

    To support the California Adaptation Forum 2023.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery USA Awarded: March, 2023
  • Refugee Career Jumpstart Project
    $300,000 through December, 2024

    To improve the meaningful participation of refugees in global and national policy-and decision-making that impacts their lives.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: March, 2023
  • FINCA International Inc.
    $500,000 through March, 2025

    To support the early childhood development ecosystem for refugees in Uganda.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: March, 2023
  • Fundacion Carulla - aeioTU
    $750,000 through July, 2024

    To promote quality childcare social enterprises in migrant and host communities across four key municipalities in Colombia.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2023
  • Nigeria Conference of Women Religious
    $300,000 through February, 2025

    to develop the Sister-Led Youth Empowerment Initiative network in Nigeria, which will provide 150 youth aged 15-25 with vocational skills development to become self-sufficient

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: March, 2023
  • Fundación Pies Descalzos
    $500,000 through December, 2024

    to support inclusive education for young migrant children and entrepreneurship training for their families in La Guajira and Cartagena.

    Refugees South America Awarded: March, 2023