• Conference of Major Superiors of Religious in Ghana
    $140,000 through August, 2025

    to provide integral human and spiritual formation to 220 sisters including 60 formators to strengthen the well-being and mission of women religious in Ghana

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: September, 2023
  • The Registered Trustees of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Kenya
    $100,000 through October, 2025

    to support efforts to end female genital mutilation in Kenya

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: September, 2023
  • Daughters of Charity Foundation
    $250,000 through August, 2025

    to continue providing health and wellness services addressing the medical, psychological and socio-economic needs of 1,064 vulnerable students and families at four Catholic elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: September, 2023
  • Jose Maria Vilaseca, Civil Association
    $1,600,000 through August, 2026

    to provide job skills training, start-up opportunities, education and wrap around services to over 1,000 migrant youth and adults to integrate into Mexican society

    Catholic Sisters North America Awarded: August, 2023
  • Francesco Collaborative
    $165,000 through June, 2024

    for Francesco Collaborative, a project of Community Cooperative, to register a new grantmaking entity focused on the long-term care of women religious worldwide and to establish its governance and presence through board recruitment and website development

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: August, 2023
  • Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel
    $345,000 through July, 2025

    to launch a network of six sister-led vocational training centers in Bengaluru that will provide skills development for 1,200 youth experiencing disadvantage

    Catholic Sisters Asia Awarded: August, 2023
  • Religious Communities Impact Fund Inc
    $550,000 through September, 2025

    to offer low-interest loans to organizations serving disadvantaged women and children in the USA, Haiti, and Mexico to overcome systemic economic and social inequities and achieve greater self-sufficiency

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: August, 2023
  • Sumana Halli
    $800,000 through July, 2026

    to empower people in India affected by leprosy, HIV and disabilities through quality care, skills building and education

    Catholic Sisters Asia Awarded: July, 2023
  • Union des Superieures Majeures
    $70,000 through August, 2025

    for Union des Superieures Majeures, a project of Soeurs Bernardines D'oudenaarde, to provide spiritual formation to 220 Catholic Sisters, 200 congregational leaders and 60 formators in Rwanda

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: July, 2023
  • Good Shepherd Catholic School
    $50,000 through August, 2025

    for 394 students from diverse socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds to build relationships through collaborative service projects to help vulnerable persons in Los Angeles

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: July, 2023