• Aquaya Institute
    $700,000 through November, 2025

    to embed subsidies within CWSA in Ghana and assessing the impacts of Safe Water Network’s pro-poor subsidy program to improve safe water access to underserved communities in Ghana.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Adapt Consulting LLC
    $200,000 through June, 2023

    To support a Political Economy Analysis of Safe Water Access in Lira District, Uganda.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • WaterAid America, Inc.
    $1,500,000 through November, 2025

    To expand pilot on the handpump riser technology for safe water delivery in Uganda to show proof of concept and secure government support.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Aquaya Institute
    $1,500,000 through October, 2025

    To support the REAL water quality assurance fund.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Uptime Catalyst Facility
    $1,500,000 through May, 2024

    To scale-up and promote performance-based contracting for district-wide safe water service delivery.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Solstice Institute LLC
    $890,000 through October, 2023

    To conduct a baseline in Lira, share key results with stakeholders including government and implementing organizations, and scale the Lira approach to institutionalize mWater as the Government of Uganda's WASH MIS.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: October, 2022
  • Aguaconsult
    $1,000,000 through June, 2024

    To support an evaluation of Safe Water Service Delivery Models in order to assess their relevance, effectiveness and sustainability with the goal to increase equitable and sustainable access to safe water.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: October, 2022
  • WaterAid America, Inc.
    $660,000 through December, 2024

    To support the Foundation's exit from Mali. 

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: August, 2022
  • WaterAid America, Inc.
    $1,490,000 through October, 2023

    To increase awareness and understanding of policymakers and thought leaders of what is financially and politically required for increased access to safely managed water in health care facilities.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: June, 2022
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $1,000,000 through June, 2024

    To support the Safe Water Initiative's responsible transition from Burkina Faso by building upon prior WASH governance and infrastructure initiatives in 17 health care facilities and 30 schools.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: May, 2022