• Sister-Doctors' Forum of India
    $300,000 through July, 2025

    to provide continuing education and professional development opportunities for over 400 Catholic sister doctors serving vulnerable populations in India

    Catholic Sisters Asia Awarded: July, 2023
  • Corporación Tejiendo Solidaridad
    $150,000 through July, 2025

    for Corporación Tejiendo Solidaridad, a project of Evening Rainbow Corporation, to build capacity of congregation members to care for elderly Catholic sisters in Chile and raise awareness of the urgency of addressing the needs of elderly women religious

    Catholic Sisters South America Awarded: July, 2023
  • International Dominican Foundation
    $250,000 through July, 2024

    to support 18 Catholic sisters from Africa to acquire theological education at Angelicum University through the Catherine of Sienna scholarships - Phase II

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: July, 2023
  • Loyola Marymount University
    $250,000 through July, 2025

    for Loyola Marymount University School of Education to support inclusive education for differently-abled students in Catholic schools and develop trauma-informed/trauma-resilient school cultures

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: July, 2023
  • Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi Safe-Child Advocacy
    $100,000 through July, 2025

    to launch Talitha Kum Ghana and support 360 survivors of human trafficking through education, wraparound services, and advocacy

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: July, 2023
  • Georgetown University
    $100,000 through July, 2024

    to support the visibility of Catholic sisters as leaders in social justice and human development issues at the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: July, 2023
  • Institute for Global Engagement
    $250,000 through June, 2025

    to advance the influence and sustainable leadership of Catholic sisters globally through a Certificate in Global Leadership and Multi-Faith Engagement

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: June, 2023
  • National Archives Project Women Religious
    $500,000 through May, 2026

    for the National Archives Project Women Religious to transfer documents and artifacts from congregations of Catholic sisters to regional hubs for professional archiving, preservation and access

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: May, 2023
  • The Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar
    $1,800,000 through May, 2026

    to register the Bakhita Partnership for Education and continue to improve access to, and completion of education for girls in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Tanzania and Malawi (Phase II)

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: May, 2023
  • Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans
    $210,000 through June, 2025

    to facilitate Catholic sisters’ skills, knowledge and leadership ability to stop human trafficking as the Australian representative of Talitha Kum

    Catholic Sisters Oceania Awarded: May, 2023