• Living Goods
    $10,000 through July, 2023

    for general operating support

    Humanitarian Prize Global Awarded: January, 2023
  • Lwala Community Alliance Inc.
    $10,000 through July, 2023

    for general operating support

    Humanitarian Prize Global Awarded: January, 2023
  • Muso, Inc.
    $10,000 through July, 2023

    for general operating support

    Humanitarian Prize Global Awarded: January, 2023
  • One Acre Fund
    $10,000 through July, 2023

    for general operating support

    Humanitarian Prize Global Awarded: January, 2023
  • Aquaya Institute
    $250,000 through December, 2023

    To conduct additional seasonal water quality data collection in Ghana and Uganda focal districts.

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: January, 2023
  • International Community Foundation
    $100,000 through January, 2024

    to support a fellow and capacity building efforts of organizations serving opportunity youth in Mexico City

    Opportunity Youth North America Awarded: January, 2023
  • The Global Development Incubator Inc.
    $250,000 through January, 2024

    to provide technical assistance and expertise in the youth workforce component of Mombasa County's County Improvement Development Plan

    Opportunity Youth Africa Awarded: January, 2023
  • Foster Care Excellence Fund
    $1,000,000 through December, 2023

    for the Foster Care Excellence Fund, a project of the Community Foundation of New Jersey, to support joint projects to benefit transition-aged foster youth and youth advocacy, a shared learning agenda, and public-private partnerships in New York City

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: December, 2022
  • Union of Indigenous Womens Congregations of Francophone West Africa (ANIMA UNA)
    $400,000 through November, 2024

    to provide formation for 50 Superior Generals, 120 Catholic sisters in leadership and 150 formators on curriculum grounded on the Pope’s encyclicals of Fratelli Tutti, Laudato Si, Africae Munus, and Vita Consecrata

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Arise Foundation America Inc.
    $810,000 through November, 2025

    to expand the pilot of the Mel App to help sisters collect data and document their work on service provision, areas of need and ways to mitigate human trafficking and pilot a sisters anti-slavery and human trafficking award

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: November, 2022