• Sisters of the Holy Cross, Inc.
    $99,655 through November, 2023

    to register and expand the anti-trafficking network of Catholic sisters in Uganda by an additional 30 religious institutes bringing the total mobilized religious institutes in Uganda to 36.

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Centro de Negocios Sustentables, A.C.
    $480,000 through October, 2023

    to support a planning process for a new loan fund for small and medium enterprises in Mexico City that commit to hiring opportunity youth and building inclusive employment practices

    Opportunity Youth North America Awarded: November, 2022
  • Center for Strategic Partnerships
    $670,000 through December, 2024

    for the Center for Strategic Partnerships, a project of Southern California Grantmakers, to support the development of an updated homelessness funding stream analysis

    Homelessness USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Western Center on Law and Poverty
    $400,000 through October, 2024

    to support housing and homelessness policy advocacy, focused on permanent housing access, fair housing, and legal and technical assistance for state and county-level service providers supporting homeless households

    Homelessness USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • National Youth Employment Coalition Inc.
    $1,500,000 through October, 2025

    to support their federal Policy Hub that will advocate on behalf of opportunity youth

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Care and Assistance for Forced Migrants (CAFOMI)
    $25,000 through October, 2023

    To support CAFOMI staff and leadership to develop a five year strategic plan focused on implementing effective programs for refugees.

    Refugees Africa Awarded: October, 2022
  • Community Solutions International Inc.
    $100,000 through December, 2023

    to build the national evidence base as it relates to effective approaches to reduce, end and prevent youth homelessness at scale

    Homelessness USA Awarded: October, 2022
  • CAMFED USA Foundation
    $15,000 through October, 2023

    for general operating support

    Humanitarian Prize Africa Awarded: October, 2022
  • BRAC USA, Inc.
    $15,000 through October, 2023

    for general operating support

    Humanitarian Prize Global Awarded: October, 2022
  • BRAC USA, Inc.
    $15,000 through October, 2023

    for general operating support

    Humanitarian Prize Global Awarded: October, 2022