• Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education
    $250,000 through June, 2024

    to support building community and power to equip South LA opportunity youth

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Genesis LA Economic Growth Corporation
    $65,000 through October, 2023

    to develop financing models for affordable and permanent housing for transition-age foster youth

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Southern California Grantmakers
    $48,500 through February, 2023

    to support implementation of regional collaboration on solutions to homelessness

    Homelessness USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Opera S. Francesco Saverio
    $190,000 through November, 2024

    to provide capacity-building for 100 Catholic sisters working in healthcare in Ethiopia and the Central African Republic through University College for Aspiring Medical Missionaries (CUAMM)

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Catholic Relief Services
    $210,000 through November, 2023

    to build a foundation for policy change and strengthen Catholic sisters advocacy capacity in Ghana, Kenya, and Zambia

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: November, 2022
  • Entertainment 2 Affect Change
    $50,000 through November, 2023

    to provide flexible funding for the Deliver Us documentary, which will bring attention to the Black maternal health crisis in the United States

    Equity Fund USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Black Belt Community Foundation Inc.
    $27,500 through October, 2023

    for general operating support

    USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Engage R+D
    $25,000 through October, 2023

    to support pilot of Cross-Foundation Learning Community for Evaluation Leaders

    USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Philanthropy New York, Inc.
    $25,000 through December, 2022

    to support the charitable activities conducted by the Chronicle of Philanthropy

    USA Awarded: November, 2022
  • Philanthropy Europe Association
    $50,000 through October, 2023

    for general operating support

    Europe Awarded: November, 2022