• The Registered Trustees of the Teresian Sisters
    $100,000 through May, 2025

    to register and strengthen the Catholic sisters' healthcare network in Malawi for the provision of sustainable maternal health

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education
    $50,000 through November, 2024

    to support the first-ever U.S. Department of Education convening for State Foster Care and Education Points of Contact

    Foster Youth USA Awarded: April, 2024
  • Chancellor Masters & Scholars of the University of Oxford
    $50,000 through December, 2024

    to support the Forced Migration Review's fall 2024 issue on financing displacement responses

    Refugees Global Awarded: April, 2024
  • Sisters of Our Lady of Kilimanjaro
    $250,000 through April, 2026

    to establish and register a Catholic sisters' healthcare network for the provision of sustainable healthcare services for priority communicable diseases in Tanzania

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Nirmala Niketan Institute
    $100,000 through April, 2026

    to provide skills training in social services and home sciences for young people experiencing disadvantage in Mumbai

    Catholic Sisters Asia Awarded: April, 2024
  • The Society of the Poor Sisters of Our Lady
    $100,000 through April, 2026

    to provide job skills training in hospitality, computer graphics, fashion design, and cosmetology for youth experiencing disadvantage in Mumbai

    Catholic Sisters Asia Awarded: April, 2024
  • Sisters of the Holy Cross, Inc.
    $200,000 through April, 2026

    to expand the work of anti-human trafficking for Catholic sisters in Uganda

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Sisters of the Holy Rosary Company Limited
    $100,000 through April, 2025

    to support the work of anti-human trafficking in Malawi

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Ace Policy Research Institute Limited
    $500,000 through March, 2027

    to study the combined effects of community-based childcare and business grants on caretakers and children in the urban refugee and host communities in Kampala

    Refugees Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Womens Equity Center and Action Network Inc.
    $100,000 through April, 2025

    to coordinate policy priorities across the national opportunity youth field

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: April, 2024