• United Way Inc.
    $1,200,000 through April, 2025

    to support public and policymaker education on impacts of current public investments on homelessness

    Homelessness USA Awarded: April, 2024
  • Georgetown University
    $750,000 through August, 2026

    to support the Women in Faith Leadership Fellowship with advocacy, skills training, and network building

    Catholic Sisters Global Awarded: April, 2024
  • Opportunities Industrialization Centers Ethiopia (OIC-E)
    $500,000 through March, 2026

    to improve access to high-quality childcare services and pre-primary education for children, as well as sustainable livelihoods for parents and caregivers in Addis Ababa

    Refugees Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Thirst Limited
    $1,000,000 through March, 2027

    to support the World River Run in Uganda and Ethiopia, part of a global campaign designed to raise awareness of and solutions to the global water crisis

    Safe Water Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Centre for Women Studies and Intervention
    $150,000 through April, 2027

    to empower and build the capacity of women religious working to eliminate violence and discrimination against women and girls

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Center for Strategic Partnerships
    $100,000 through April, 2025

    for the Center for Strategic Partnerships, a project of Southern California Grantmakers, to support the Los Angeles County Homelessness Initiative

    Homelessness USA Awarded: April, 2024
  • Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
    $505,000 through March, 2025

    to support an opportunity youth focus at the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: April, 2024
  • Impact Justice
    $250,000 through April, 2026

    to support a reentry housing pilot in Los Angeles that pairs people leaving incarceration with community hosts as an interim housing solution

    Homelessness USA Awarded: April, 2024
  • Talitha-Kum Zambia
    $250,000 through April, 2026

    to support the efforts to end human trafficking in Zambia

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: April, 2024
  • Communication Network for Catholic Sisters Trust
    $250,000 through April, 2026

    to strengthen the capacity of Catholic sisters in Kenya to amplify their voices through storytelling for social impact, collaboration, and advocacy

    Catholic Sisters Africa Awarded: April, 2024