• The Greater New Orleans Foundation
    $300,000 through December, 2023

    to provide capacity-building and nonprofit leadership and effectiveness programming for opportunity youth serving organizations in New Orleans

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: October, 2022
  • California EDGE Coalition
    $400,000 through November, 2024

    for California EDGE Coalition, a project of Community College League of California, to support opportunity youth workforce advocacy and policy work

    Opportunity Youth USA Awarded: October, 2022
  • Licensed Adult Residential Care Association
    $200,000 through June, 2024

    to support effective service provision and statewide advocacy capacity to improve sustainable financing structures, access, and care quality for homeless residents with serious mental illness

    Homelessness USA Awarded: October, 2022
  • Southern California Grantmakers
    $100,000 through October, 2023

    for general operating support

    USA Awarded: October, 2022
  • Distrito Especial, Industrial y Portuario de Barranquilla
    $1,000,000 through November, 2024

    To support the roadmap for the integration of the migrant, returnee, and host communities in Barranquilla.

    Refugees South America Awarded: October, 2022
  • Turning Point Foundation
    $5,000 through October, 2023

    for general operating support of mental health programs

    USA Awarded: October, 2022
  • Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunities
    $300,000 through September, 2025

    for the Lab of Economic Opportunities (LEO) to conduct a randomized control trial evaluation on outcomes for youth participating in extended employment services.

    Catholic Sisters USA Awarded: October, 2022
  • ALIMA USA Inc.
    $1,500,000 through September, 2023

    To provide free nutritional treatments and primary healthcare to children under five and pregnant/lactating women in Tanganyika province, and establish a rapid response mechanism team for deployment across five provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Africa Awarded: October, 2022
  • Tamdeen Youth Foundation
    $500,000 through December, 2023

    To provide livelihood opportunities for youth transitioning from cash-for-work and training for business owners in workforce development in two districts in Lahij and Taiz Governorates, Yemen.

    Disaster Relief & Recovery Asia Awarded: October, 2022
  • Southern California Grantmakers
    $50,000 through October, 2023

    for support to the Center for Strategic Partnerships

    USA Awarded: October, 2022